Try ClassHive with your
students for free
See what makes us so buzzworthy and how we revolutionise the entire classroom digital experience
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Our 3-month free trial allows any school to give the ClassHive Platform a go, and see how user friendly and easy it is to use.
Access and manage your classroom digital resources from anywhere - Use ClassHive from any device or platform
One click automated login for students and teachers
We'll take the headache out of setup for you. Send us your class lists, and details of the digital resources you use and we'll do the rest.
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Maximise Your Benefits
ClassHive simplifies digital learning tools for schools by removing many of the common frustrations associated with digital learning. It manages student passwords and provides automatic logins.
Our student dashboard gives kids one place to access all of their resources - no more searching for login pages, usernames or passwords. Ultimately we make accessing your favourite student resources faster and easier.
ClassHive saves significant amounts of teacher time in the classroom and makes digital learning accessible regardless of student digital literacy levels.
We also enhance coordination of digital resources resulting in less duplication, more value for money and fewer demands on the time of ICT coordinators.

Saves teachers between 15-30 minutes every time they have to log in a whole class. That means on average we save each teacher between 12.5 and 25 hours per term – that’s between 50-100 hours a year or just over twelve 8-hour teaching days per year! Just with our auto-login facilities.

Manages students’ logins and passwords for all digital resources. No more searching for usernames and passwords!

Gets kids online faster, regardless of digital literacy skill level.

Helps teachers get more out of the digital tools they love with our simplified access increasing use by up to 30%.